Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=942
Project title Desarrollo de un programa de software comercial utilizable a nivel industrial para la optimización topológica de estructuras sujetas a interacción fluido-estructura - Development of a commercial software package, fully usable at the industrial level, for the topology optimization of structures subject to fluid-structure interaction
Reference PDC2022-133581-I00
Principal investigator Ramón CODINA ROVIRA - codina@cimne.upc.edu
Joan BAIGES AZNAR - jbaiges@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/12/2022 End date 30/06/2025
Coordinator CIMNE
Consortium members
Program P.E. para Impulsar la Investigación Científico-Técnica y su Transferencia Call Proyectos de I+D+i para la realización de pruebas de concepto 2022
Subprogram Subprograma Estatal de Transferencia de Conocimiento Category Nacional
Funding body(ies) MICINN Grant $126,500.00
Abstract Commercial software packages for the topology optimization of relatively simple cases such as structures subject to small deformations and static loads are currently available for industrial design. In fact, they have become quite common in CAD software tools in the last decade. The general process for the topology optimization requires an engineer to create a CAD model, apply loads and constraints and select the simulation parameters. The software then performs the analysis and removes or adds material according to the performance targets. In many industrial applications, the topological design of structures with complex behavior and dynamic loads is needed. Those dynamic loads many times come from the stresses exerted by a surrounding fluid such as air, water, oil among others, and result in large deformations of the structural components. This fluid-structure interaction (FSI) phenomena must be captured to obtain the proper final optimized structure. Furthermore, in some situations, the structure may be incompressible. There is no software tool able to handle the topology optimization structural analysis in such scenarios. Even in the simplest setting, which would be to consider the structure as a linear elastic material with small strains and the fluid as laminar, we are not aware of any commercial code dealing with either complex material behaviors or the effect of an external fluid surrounding the structure. A computational environment able to optimize the topology of a structure under the effect of fluid-structure interaction is required and not available in the industrial setting. The objective of the project: Development of a commercial software package, fully usable at the industrial level, for topology optimization of structures subject to fluid-structure interaction (TOPFSI-APP) is to design a software platform, aimed at industrial production, which allows to compute the topology optimization process of structures subject to FSI. The project will put into industrial value the developments done in the original TOP-FSI project. This software platform will focus on the ease of use, graphical interface, and automatic postprocess of results, so that, with the minimum indispensable knowledge from the end user, complex and useful industrial simulations can be performed.The software platform will be composed of 3 modules: (1) a user-friendly Graphical User Interface to import CAD geometries for both the structure and the surrounding fluid, select materials from a material database, define the TO parameters and, finally, visualize the simulation results; (2) a FSI solver kernel able to reproduce the material behavior of both the structure and the fluid in the interaction problem: (3) a TO module able to look for the optimal final structure for the fabrication in order to satisfy the TO parameters (i.e. minimize the total potential energy functional associated to the system and satisfy a volume constraint).The software package will be calibrated and validated. A User Documentation will be prepared to help end users get the most out of the software. The final package will be adapted from the current Linux environment to the Microsoft Windows Architecture in order to maximize the number of potential users.
Proyecto PDC2022-133581-I00 financiado por MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea Next GenerationEU/ PRTR