Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=893
Acronym HALLO
Project title Hubs for Last Mile Delivery Solutions
Official Website https://www.eiturbanmobility.eu/projects/hubs-for-last-mile-delivery-solutions/
Reference 21177
Principal investigator Sergi SAURI MARCHAN - ssauri@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/04/2021 End date 31/03/2022
Consortium members
  • KTH
  • Gateways B.V.
  • Vanapedal
  • Postnord
  • City of Stockholm
Program HE (2021-2027) Call Call for Proposals 2020 on Citizen Engagement and Regional Innovation Scheme
Subprogram EIT (European Institute of Innovation & Technology) Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) EIT Grant $58,268.00
Abstract Restrictions on the access to large cities have been recently implemented due to pollution and congestion with transport being one of the sectors that contributes most to the generation of emissions. For this reason, HALLO project seeks to create shared urban consolidation and distribution centers (UCDCs) at the borders of the Low Emission Zone implemented in Barcelona in order to promote the use of zero emission vehicles. HALLO provides a solution that is beneficial to the stakeholders and local residents. The implementation process will be evaluated through a pilot case in the city of Barcelona (ES) and a stakeholder dialogue process in the city of Stockholm (SE). Information and data from the test of a new service will provide input to the development of fossil-fuel free logistics in Stockholm. Moreover, to allow future replications to other cities, a roadmap with detailed location planning that takes account of implementation challenges and the business model is provided.