Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=861
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Acronym COOSW - Parte Española
Project title Cooperación transnacional para el desarrollo de una solución que ahorre energía y agua en instalaciones costeras mediante dispositivos de captura de energía oceánica
Reference PCI2019-103581
Principal investigator Pedro Antonio ARNAU DEL AMO - parnau@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/06/2019 End date 31/05/2022
Coordinator CIMNE
Consortium members
Program P.E. de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad Call APCIN2019-1
Subprogram Acciones Programación Conjunta Internacional (APCIN) Category Nacional
Funding body(ies) MCIU Grant $120,000.00
Abstract The proposal consists in the utilization of temperature and waves of seawater for desalination and refrigeration use of small facilities near coast. For this, we combine the use the three technologies: (i) the use of WEC (Wave Energy Converters) that obtain energy of waves and that we use for pumping colder seawater of deeper layers, (ii) the use of this cold water from the sea for refrigeration with SWAC (Seawater Air Conditioning) technology and; (iii) the use of gradient of temperature between colder pumping water and the heated water by means SWAC for their use in a desalination technology (COOL STEAM, a Lowtemperature thermal desalination method). Another possibility that we explore in the project is the use of WEC technologies to provide energy for deaireation and warmer shallow waters pumping in the process of seawater evaporation of COOLSTEAM using a floating pipeline collector facility arranged on the marine surface. Two sites of action are proposed for proof concepts: an installation in Puerto Plata (Dominican Republic) and another installation in the Canary Islands (Gran Canaria, Spain) in the facilities of the ICTS PLOCAN. The installation of Puerto Plata has one of the best conditions in the Caribbean for SWAC technology facility. In this particular, one of objectives of the project is building a system that allows the extraction of water from the sea to an optimal depth and see the viability of the system to acquire data validate the relevant computer models. Additional feasibility studies are oriented for wave energy storage using hydrogen or the use of GNL as additional colder source and the GN as energy supply. The benefits of COOSW proposed solutions are enormous, and its development will increase the autonomy of small facilities saving energy in the production of water. The use of COOSW proposed solution will allow reduce the impact on the landscape and biodiversity of the deployment of global supply facilities, and reduce the risk for climate events which are less vulnerable due to their less spatial extension.
Proyecto PCI2019-103581 financiado por MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 y cofinanciado por la Unión Europea - This work was supported by the ERANET-LAC project which has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme and has been funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the Spanish Research Agency (PCI2019-103581 / ERANet17/ERY 0168)