Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=767
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Acronym EnerNETMob
Project title Mediterranean Interregional Electromobility Networks for intermodal and interurban low carbon transport systems
Official Website https://enernetmob.interreg-med.eu/
Reference 3196/4MED17_2.3_M123_040
Principal investigator Angel Diego PRIEGUE MAYAN - cruchi@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/02/2018 End date 30/06/2022
Coordinator REGPEL
Consortium members
  • Authority for Transport in Malta
  • IT
  • RAM Spa- Rete Autostrade Mediterranee
  • PWD
  • PGZ
  • Region of Thessaly
  • RRA-SP
  • ENA
  • Ragusa Consortium
  • Dynamic Vision
  • Port of Bar Holding company
  • Capenergies
Program MED Programme 2014-2020 Call 2nd Call for Modular projects
Subprogram Priority Axis 2: Fostering low-carbon strategies and energy efficiency in specific MED territories: cities, islands and rural areas Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) EC Grant $301,764.88
Abstract EnerNETMob aims to draft, test and improve parallel “Sustainable Electromobility Plans” according to common standards and low carbon policies, in order to set an “Interregional Electromobility Network” crossing cities of all transnational MED area. Project promotes sharing mobility and land-sea intermodality using electric transport systems, by implementing interurban and interregional pilot networks of Electric Vehicles Supply Equipment (EVSE) also co-powered by Renewable Energy Sources. By integrating the SUMP and SEAPs models, the “Sustainable Electromobility Plans” will be developed to reach 2 main challenges: - to implement and extend “Interregional Electromobility Networks” inside and beyond MED area, following common approaches and design guidelines for electric transport infrastructures/services; - to implement pilot small-scale investments on electromobility for interurban and intermodal connections in order to allow longer trips and test network at transnational level. 2014/94/EU Directive provided preliminary guidelines to develop charging infrastructures in EU territory. However, Member States have still not implemented integrated EVSE networks at European level with same communication protocols and planning models. Therefore, on the basis of existing Best Available Technologies, project will develop electromobilty solutions and will test pilot actions to overcome medium-trip limitations and to coordinate future investments on electric transport in MED area.