Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=672
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Acronym EFES
Project title Algoritmos de elementos finitos para exaescala y su implementacion en codigo libre.
Reference MTM2014-60713-P
Principal investigator Santiago BADIA RODRIGUEZ - sbadia@cimne.upc.edu
Ricardo Javier PRINCIPE RUBIO - principe@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/01/2015 End date 31/12/2018
Coordinator CIMNE
Consortium members
Program Fomento inv.cient.-téc.de Excelencia: Generación conocimiento Call Proyectos de I+D (Excelencia 2014)
Subprogram Proyectos de I+D (Excelencia) Category Nacional
Funding body(ies) MINECO Grant $55,902.00
Abstract Computational science is a highly multidisciplinary field that makes use of computational resources to simulate complex phenomena. It enables researchers to understand a variety problems that cannot be reproduced in a laboratory and are far from being solved using analytical methods thus impacting in many fields (e.g., climate modeling, aircraft design, fusion reactors). The level of complexity and accuracy of these simulations is limited by the amount of computational resources. The most complex phenomena require the use of the most powerful supercomputers. State-of-the-art supercomputers are distributed memory machines composed of interconnected processors; the largest supercomputers today can have millions of cores and reach a peak performance of about 10 petaflop/s. As the increase of processor's speed, based on increasing the number of transistors is reaching a limit (as the miniaturization of transistors will reach an atomic level), the only way to increase computing power is increasing concurrency. The next generation of supercomputers, able to reach 1 exaflop/s, are expected to reach billions of cores. Further, memory per core will likely be reduced, hardly exceeding 1 GB, bandwidth limitations are likely to increase and deeper memory hierarchies are to be expected. In this context, the efficient exploitation of the vast amount of the available computational resources, already a difficult task, will become a key challenge of computational science and engineering. This challenge involves the development of new algorithms and their implementation in scientific software. Our vision is that commercial software, more focused on conservative and well-established solutions, will unlikely permit to efficiently work on extreme core counts required in the next future. Instead, free software will permit to perform numerical simulation of complex phenomena providing a framework for collaborative work between teems at different institutions, concentrating efforts in the respective expertise areas. In this project we focus on the scalable finite element (FE) approximation of partial differential equations (PDEs). The objective is to develop new domain decomposition (DD) algorithms and to implement them in FEMPAR, an ambitious high performance scientific computing software based on massively parallel FE solvers. FEMPAR has been developed in our group and is released under the GNU GPL license. In contrast to widely used free source scientific computing libraries devoted to the approximation of PDEs, which rely on external libraries to solve linear system with appropriate interfaces, FEMPAR provides the whole range of algorithms from the physics to the solution of linear systems in a unified framework. It currently provides state-of-the-art implementations of DD algorithms as well as new algorithms recently developed in the group which are not available elsewhere. Our specific goals include: the implementation and scalability analisis of multilevel DD algorithms to boost the scalability of FEMPAR to millons of cores, to extend and enhance the DD algorithms to include nonlinear and time dependent problems as well as nonsymmetric and indefinite problems, to develop DD methods for adaptive and advanced (e.g. discontinuous) discretizations and to make FEMPAR more widely used, i.e. by users not affiliated to CIMNE. Achieving these goals will produce a strong impact in the scientific community.