Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=625
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Project title Implementation of environmental restoration techniques for dimishing the environmental impacts of ports: steps towards a new certification.
Official Website http://nereidas-tech.eu/
Reference 2012-EU-92177-S
Principal investigator Pedro Antonio ARNAU DEL AMO - parnau@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/08/2013 End date 31/12/2015
Coordinator Melilla Port Authority
Consortium members
  • UMU
Program TEN-T Programme 2007-2013 Call Call 2012
Subprogram Annual Work Programme 2007-2013 Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) EC Grant $288,941.00
Abstract The aim of NEREIDAS is to provide a standardization tool for preventive and compensatory measure for environmental damage originate by transport and port activities. The action will have a period of 24 months to enable the project to make adequate solutions to the current situation of Co2 emissions and biodiversity around Mediterranean ports as well as for those that appear in the development of new infrastructure.