Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=614
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Acronym ICMEG
Project title Integrative Computational Materials Engineering expert group
Official Website http://www.icmeg.euproject.info/
Reference 606711
Principal investigator Michele CHIUMENTI - michele@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/10/2013 End date 30/09/2016
Coordinator ACCESS e.V.
Consortium members
  • M2i
  • simufact
  • K&S
  • e-Xstream engineering
  • Thermo-Calc Software
Program FP7 (2007-2013) Call FP7-NMP-2013-CSA-7
Subprogram COOPERATION Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) EC Grant $71,020.00
Abstract Scope of this proposal is to establish a network of stakeholders - an "Integrative Computational Materials Engineering expert group ("ICMEg") - aiming at the creation of an open, global standard for information exchange between a heterogeneous variety of commercial and academic simulation tools. The vision of the ICMEg proposal is a new strategy of materials and process development, where a variety of academic and commercial simulation tools – present and future – can be easily combined across different process steps and bridging several length scales in a “plug&play” type architecture being based on an object oriented, standardized information exchange. Multi-scale in this context covers electronic, atomistic,mesoscopic and continuum models. The Mission of ICMEg is • to establish and to maintain a network of contacts to ? (1) simulation software providers around the world ? (2) governmental and international standardization authorities ? (3) ICME type users of simulation software ? (4) different associations in the area of materials and processing ? (5) academic developers of simulation software • to define an ICME language in form of an open and standardized communication protocol • to stimulate knowledge sharing in the field of multiscale materials design • to communicate this standard worldwide to make it widely accepted • to discuss and to decide about future amendments to the initial standard • to establish a legal body for a sustainable further development The Approach of ICMEg to realize both its vision and its mission is to create a global network of all stakeholders in the area of ICME software and users by • identifying all actors in the field of ICME related simulations • creating an inventory of these stakeholders • networking of all identified stakeholders in two international conferences • composing a directory of all available simulation approaches • establishing a common language for standardized information exchange • secure sustainable further the common language by foundation of an international association • identifying missing models and functionalities and proposing a roadmap for their development