Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=606
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Project title Empowering households to save energy by informative billing
Official Website http://iee-empowering.eu/en/
Reference IEE/12/697/SI2.645843
Principal investigator Stoyan Viktorov DANOV - sdanov@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/04/2013 End date 31/03/2016
Coordinator CIMNE
Consortium members
  • GEG
  • ReggioEmilia
  • ALEC
  • ElGas
  • Energimidt
  • Iren
  • Sinergie
Program CIP (2007-2013) Call CIP-IEE-2012
Subprogram IEE-Intelligent Energy Europe Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) EC Grant $353,754.00
Abstract Europe is not on target to reach the EU 20% energy efficiency objective, major developments of the supply and demand side must occur during the next few years in order to get back on target. Action must be taken to support and facilitate this transition by making the market more transparent and trustworthy for all market actors and for energy consumers. In this context the energy meter and the energy bill are key tools to achieve the objectives and these too are set to change with the introduction of smart meters. The challenge is to use this revolutionary change in metering in order to change habits and attitudes towards energy use and consequently to open up the scope for ambitious energy performance improvements involving companies and customers in partnership for mutual benefit. This proposal aims to meet the challenge by empowering consumers: by involving and informing them, helping them take measures to save energy on the basis of the information they read on their meters or on their bills. EMPOWER brings together key actors: pro-active utility companies, from EU countries identified as dynamic movers in the Smart meter landscape, and puts specialised experience in social participation and expertise in energy analysis at their service in order to implement more informative billing services as the basis for energy performance improvement programmes and the development of energy services.