Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=590
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Acronym COLTS
Project title Casting of Large Ti Structures
Official Website http://www.colts-project.eu/
Reference 265697
Principal investigator Michele CHIUMENTI - michele@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/10/2010 End date 30/09/2013
Consortium members
Program FP7 (2007-2013) Call FP7-AAT-2010-RTD-CHINA
Subprogram COOPERATION Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) EC Grant $57,450.00
Abstract This proposal is in response to the call for EU and China collaboration on casting large Ti structures. The consortium consists of 7 EU and 7 Chinese partners. This proposal aims to make a step-change for casting of large Ti components by overcoming some key challenges in the casting process. Such a step-change is critical if the production of large Ti components is to meet the requirement in cost reduction by endusers, the requirement of CO2 reduction and raw material wastage reduction in every step of component manufacturing process by the endusers and by the society. This step change will involve the development of the centrifugal casting process by which the filling of thin sections of large Ti structures will be improved so that significantly fewer and smaller defects will be present in the component and a significantly higher production yield rate will be achieved. Further development will be carried to improve the gravity casting process which is important for casting asymmetrical components such as Ti airframes. Those developments will be closely coupled with the development of computer modelling in terms of better understanding and predicting liquid filling of the mould, defect formation and distribution, control of the dimensional accuracy of the cast component together with the development of a stronger wax and optimum ceramic mould material if required in order to meet the component dimension tolerance specified. The microstructure and mechanical properties including that of heat treated and welded castings must be optimised. If successful, this project will lead to significant cost reduction in producing large Ti components; removal the USA monopoly of supply of aeroengine Ti casings and significant reduction of CO2 and of Ti raw material wastage incurred in current manufacturing processes. It will also lead to more application of light Ti structures in aerospace and space, thus weight and fuel reduction by making Ti structure commercially viable.