Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=509
Project title CLUSTER
Official Website http://www.asp-bp.org/
Reference IST-2001-35121
Principal investigator Francisco Javier MORA SERRANO - mora@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/01/2002 End date 01/01/2003
Coordinator CIMNE
Consortium members
  • AIN
  • CSIC
  • KU Leuven
Program FP5 (1998-2002) Call
Subprogram - Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) EC Grant $127,300.00
Abstract This project constitutes a framework in which 6 activities regarding ASP technology-based applications applied in different industrial field will be realised. Under this framework, management and dissemination will be performed centralised to increase effectiveness. The 30 centres participating in this project will produce the following activities: " STEDI: Deployment of a New ASP Model for Web-computing in the Building Sector Building sector. Application Service Provider model in the architecture, engineering and construction sector (web-computing, dynamic simulation of the building's thermal behaviour and the power consumption, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) application, etc); " SOAVE: SecOnd generation Application Service Provision in Vertical Business Relations Telecommunication sector. Second generation of application service provision business models. The project will allow for the provision of CRM related standard software applications experimenting a newly developed business model, that aims at leveraging interaction in vertical business relations (telecommunication service provider with a vast network of distributors); " FURNITURE_ASP: Commercial CAD ASP Solution for Furniture Sector Furniture sector. Internet services focused on CAD applications (libraries, licences of software, management system -furniture ERP Enterprise Resource Planning-, etc); " FIPSEE: Food Industry Problem Solving Electronic Environment Food sector. Customisation of existing web services and simulation tools for the food sector. Three main services will be offered: training, state-of-the-art information repository and remote computation tools (thermal pasteurisation, sterilisation and refrigeration -freezing simulation). " EINA/ASP: Application Service Provision of the Eina CASE Tool Computing sector. Extending the CASE uses by modifying the business model from sales to rental, eliminating upgrade costs and providing for a rapid response time to new versions solving application errors and/or offering new features. An additional objective will be making the physical access to the tools and the repository universal/ubiquitous giving true support to reuse of components stored in corporate libraries. " ITACA: Internet Technology Advanced Clinical Automation Health-care sector. Supply of information when and where needed (wards, district, doctors). Web technology enables to get these data as soon as they are produced from specialised medical modalities. Possibility to access patient data repository produced in hospital structures will permit a better homecare and prevention. Avoiding troublesome displacements and to reduce the necessity of care inside the hospital. The cluster will give a corporate image of all the projects for the dissemination of results and will provide efficient management and monitoring.