Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=429
Project title Nuevos Métodos para la Modelización y Diseño de Procesos Térmicos Emergentes en Tecnología de Alimentos
Official Website https://seguweb.mec.es/justificacion
Reference AGL2004-05206-C02-02/ALI
Principal investigator Ramón CODINA ROVIRA - codina@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 13/12/2004 End date 12/12/2007
Coordinator CSIC-IMEDEA
Consortium members
Program Fomento Investigación Técnica (MEC) Call Convocatoria 2004
Subprogram PROFIT (MEC) Category Nacional
Funding body(ies) MEC Grant $79,350.00
Abstract In this project, we will develop new systematic methods for the development and analysis of mathematical models of processes from the food industry. We aim to develop tools for the development of rigorous and reliable mathematical models, and to apply these tools to two emerging technologies for thermal processing, which are very complex to model. We will study procedures for: - identifiability analysis of those models - parametric sensitivities and uncertainty analysis - model discrimination - optimal experimental design of dynamic experiments These methods will be applied to two emerging thermal processes: combined microwave-convection processing, and ohmic processing in continuous. Despite their potential, these processes present non-homogeneous zones in the electromagnetic and thermal fields which has precluded their wide adoption by the industrial sector. The adequate modelling of these processes, using the tools developed in this project, will allow their optimum design, thus surmounting the mentioned difficulties.