Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=381
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Acronym EUA4X
Project title An European Atelier for Engineering and Computational Sciences
Official Website http://www.eua4x.net/
Reference MSCF-CT-2004-013336
Principal investigator Eugenio OÑATE IBAÑEZ DE NAVARRA - onate@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/01/2005 End date 31/12/2007
Coordinator EST
Consortium members
  • VKI
  • CISM
  • CRF
  • CNRS
  • CRS4
  • UTRI
Program FP6 (2002-2006) Call FP6-2002-Mobility-4
Subprogram Marie Curie Actions Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) EC Grant $40,532.64
Abstract The EUA4X (European Atelier for Engineering and Computational Sciences) Series of Events provide a well balanced and focused training program in the field of computational sciences (CS). ECS are a crucial part of the new century technologies, offering the potential for advance knowledge in a wide range of technical processes and physical phenomena of very high societal interest. This era of unprecedented simulation capability will be made possible by the increased sophistication of physical and mathematical modeling tools combined with the never ending advances in computer technology and information sciences. However, this situation is far from achieved, due to a shortage of multidisciplinary skilled researchers combined with the challenge of complex software development. The enabling technologies are available separately, but the know-how is very dispersed and rarely combined in a multidisciplinary context for the solution of complex problems. EUA4X aims to cure this lack of coherence and shortage of skilled labor force by offering a European wide training environment combining the competences of educational and research institutions with a very wide horizon and experience. A coherent program is offered that tackles both the enabling technologies and a number of important applications. This will be achieved through a well balanced program of 7 formal training courses, as well as 10 application oriented hands-on workshops and summer schools, tackling the above mentioned enabling technologies as well as a selection of sophisticated applications. To better integrate the young researchers in the professional world of the scientific community, 3 events are planned which are organised as guest events in high-level scientific conferences. To preserve and structure the know how, strong use will be made of e-learning tools, to make the outcomes of the project available for the develoment of competences of a larger community during the project and far beyond.