Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=358
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Acronym CONTENT4ALL (2003)
Project title Cross Platform Tools for Community Content Publishing
Official Website http://portal.atosorigin.es
Reference IST-2-511480
Principal investigator Gilbert PEFFER - gilbert@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/09/2004 End date 30/11/2006
Coordinator UOC
Consortium members
  • UVL
  • HP
  • LP
  • TVCN
  • SONY
Program FP6 (2002-2006) Call FP6-2003-IST-2
Subprogram - Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) EC Grant $174,553.80
Abstract CONTENT4ALL, “Cross-media Content for Leisure and Entertainment”, is an innovative, digital media management-oriented project that contributes to the body of European initiatives for achieving the EU’s strategic goals as set by Lisbon Council of 2000, European Research Area and IST in FP6 strategic objective “Cross-media Content for Leisure and Entertainment”. Through extensive R&D undertaken by the highly respected members in the multidisciplinary consortium, it will provide a wide range of quality-assured, system management tools and methodologies, standardsconformant solutions, content and business case studies to meet organizational, social and economic challenges raised by the emergence of the peer to peer collaborative networking phenomenon in a cross media environment. Combination of emerging scenarios, “convergence” and “peer to peer” offers the ideal scenario opportunity where sharing content between persons becomes possible independently of the used media. This offers an anytime, anywhere, anyhow, anybody paradigm of media consumption ideal for new collaborative affinity communities emergence and exploitation as well as the promotion of new forms of collaborative story telling. CONTENT4ALL leading objective is the development and consolidation of a coherent framework for competencies interoperability in the European Media full value chain taking advantage of the peer-to-peer phenomenon and emerging related opportunities. To do this, it will explore creation of a peer to peer cross media intelligent content management model, based on an open source technological prototype platform, standards and management methodologies spanning a three axes model (cross media, intelligent and profitable), where next-generation digital affinity community communication can meet individuals’ and organizations’ needs. By reinforcing European competitiveness in cross media convergence, intelligent digitally enhanced content take up and integrated consistent innovative media management scenarios, it promotes success of a European digital content global economy which will benefit all media value chain actors, as well as the European society promoting a community inclusive knowledge-based society for all. CONTENT4ALL will reinforce a digital leisure and entertainment market successful take up in Europe, and will also benefit other areas of the European society every day communications needs.