Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=357
Project title A methodology for durability assessment of composite materials and structures under cyclic loads
Reference G5RD-CT-2001-00575
Principal investigator Sergio Horacio OLLER MARTINEZ - oller@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/10/2001 End date 30/09/2004
Coordinator CIMNE
Consortium members
  • CASA
  • CRF
Program FP5 (1998-2002) Call
Subprogram - Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) EC Grant $274,150.00
Abstract The main industrial objective of this project is to develop and validate a new computational system for predicting the durability of structures made of composite materials in aerospace and automotive sectors. The durability prediction tools will be based on extending existing computer methods for non-linear structural analysis, developing and integrating new material models and a new durability prediction model. The system will be calibrated and validated using experimental data from tests on simple geometrical samples and industrial structural parts. The work will be focused on materials based on epoxy matrix with long carbon fibres (CFRR: Carbon Fibres Reinforced Resins and CFRP: Carbon Fibres Reinforced Plastic). The scientific and technical workplan of the project includes the following core activities: 1) Specification of material and durability analysis parameters, 2) Development and characterization of new thermo mechanic constitutive models based on continuum plastic-damage mechanics for durability analysis of composite materials and structures under cyclic loads, 3) Development of experimental tests on composite material samples to characterize the constitutive models, 4) Integration and implementation of a computer system for durability analysis of composite structures under cyclic loading 5) Experimental testing of durability on industrial composite structures for automotive and aerospace applications, 6) Accuracy validation of the new durability prediction system for analysis of the structures experimentally studied in (5), 7) Proposal of a methodology for durability analysis and design of structures of composite materials, 8) Dissemination and exploitation plan. The project deliverables will include the structural durability analysis software system (the COMPASS system) as well as technical reports on the new durability prediction model, the results of the experimental tests on laboratory samples and industrial structures, the methodology for the durability analysis and design and the dissemination and exploitation plan.