Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=352
Project title Desarrollo de nuevos modelos, herramientas y procedimientos de cálculo de embarcaciones planeadoras
Official Website https://seguweb.mec.es/justificacion
Reference TRA2005-07536/TMAR
Principal investigator Eugenio OÑATE IBAÑEZ DE NAVARRA - onate@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 15/10/2005 End date 14/10/2008
Coordinator CIMNE
Consortium members
Program Proyectos y Acciones Complementarias Call Convocatoria 2005
Subprogram Proyectos I+D Category Nacional
Funding body(ies) MEC Grant $34,510.00
Abstract The project focuses on the development and integration of existent numerical tools for aiding in the analysis and design of planning crafts. These tools are based in the development and integration of advanced simulation tools ranging from finite element methods for analysis of structures of composite materials to the simulation of fluiddynamics problems with lagrangian and eulerian algorithms. The result of this integration will be a system for analysis of the behaviour and critical aspects of the design of planning crafts. The development of design methodologies, appropriate to incorporate in an easy and economic way, the new tools in the traditional design loop is also taken into account within this project.