Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=348
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Acronym AMI-SME
Project title Analysis of marketing information for small-and mediumsized entreprises.
Official Website http://www.ami-sme.org/
Reference COOP-CT-2004-005875
Principal investigator Eugenio OÑATE IBAÑEZ DE NAVARRA - onate@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/11/2004 End date 31/01/2007
Consortium members
  • R-Tech
  • IBK
  • ICAT
  • ICAT
  • ICS
  • IFFM
  • ICPD
  • IIT-B
Program FP6 (2002-2006) Call FP6-2002-SME-1
Subprogram - Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) EC Grant $66,950.00
Abstract Enterprises who want to enter new markets with their products have a strong requirement collect and analyse information (e.g. about target market, customer needs, potential competitors, laws, rules, pending patents) to support marketing decisions. This task needs special knowledge how and considerable efforts, that exceed the capacity of SMEs. Today a vast amount of information is offered by research institutes, by information specialists and of course in the Web. Search and use of this information turn out to be difficult, because it is hard to ask questions regarding a foreign market, which is completely or partly unknown. Today these questions have to be answered today by information specialists. But a SME cannot afford extensive market research. Therefore AMI-SME aims to provide a solution for the specific information requirements of SMEs which needs to get sound information as a base for decisions in the field of marketing and sales. This solution will consist of a software package and an organisational concept: o An information agent that analyses digital information within the enterprise, at information providers, and on the Web. This system will work context- sensitive in terms of considering the role and the experience of the search person as well as the current business process o A methodological tool box for SME to gather and document marketing information making use of the potential state-of-the-art technology AMI-SME will develop, adapt and evaluate this support system for SMEs, which will assist marketing and sales activities by collection and analysis of market information. Benefits: o Simplified and speeded search for information on new markets. This search can be performed by employees, which are not experienced in the target market. o Extraction of collected data based on semantic analysis of documents.