Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=346
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Project title Prospecting and promoting scientific cooperation between Europe and China in the field of multiphysics modelling, simulation, experimentation and design methods in aeronautics
Official Website http://www.cimne.com/aerochina2/
Reference ACS7-GA-2008-213599
Principal investigator Gabriel BUGEDA CASTELLTORT - bugeda@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/10/2007 End date 31/12/2009
Coordinator CIMNE
Consortium members
  • FOI
  • QWED
  • TAUK
  • UoM
  • CEA
  • TEER
Program FP7 (2007-2013) Call FP7-AAT-2007-RTD-1
Subprogram COOPERATION Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) EC Grant $59,960.12
Abstract The aim of the AEROCHINA2 Coordination Support Action (CSA) is to foster the cooperation between a number of industry, university and research organizations in the aeronautics sector in Europe and China in the field of multi-physics modelling, computer simulation and code validation, experimental testing and design methods for the solution of multi-physics problems of interest to the aeronautic sector. The spectrum multi-physical disciplines considered in AEROCHINA2 which are of interest of European and Chinese partners are Aerodynamics, Structures & Materials, Fluid Dynamics, Aeroacoustics, Active Flow Control and Aero Elasticity. The general strategic objectives of the project are three fold: 1) to identify areas of mutual RTD interest and the clarification of the skills, experiences and capabilities of the Chinese partners in the relevant technological areas of multi-physics analysis and design; 2) to develop concepts of collaboration in those areas between the European and Chinese partners in order to ensure a win-win situation; 3) prepare specific RTD activities that are mature for joint proposals for FP7. These AEROCHINA2 objectives correspond to a more long term preparation necessary for substantial and sustainable win-win cooperation in forthcoming FP7 calls.