Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=33
Acronym SICEM
Project title Simulación multifísica para el diseño de conformado electromagnético
Official Website https://seguweb.mec.es/justificacion
Reference DPI2006-15677-C02-01
Principal investigator José Francisco ZÁRATE ARAIZA - zarate@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/10/2006 End date 30/09/2009
Coordinator CIMNE
Consortium members
Program Proyectos y Acciones Complementarias Call Proyectos I+D 2006
Subprogram Proyectos I+D Category Nacional
Funding body(ies) MEC Grant $136,488.00
Abstract The overall scope of the project is the development of a simulation module for the electromagnetic forming process. According to the different physic phenomena present in the process, this model has to be multi-physics, it must be able to simulate the electromagnetic fields and its mechanical effect on the work pieces, inducted eddy currents and, at the same time, it must predict the deformed shape of the work piece and the inducted thermal effects as a consequence of both electromagnetic phenomena and the heat caused by the plastic deformation of work piece. The nature of the process, distortion at high speed, and the generation of forces during the process, electromagnetic repulsion forces, open a wide uncertainty about the form and control of the process but also new opportunities in the processes of manufacture for distortion, for the complexity of the pieces to treat and for the final quality and cost of the product. At the conclusion of the present project, it is expected to have: 1. An electromagnetic simulation module, prepared to be coupled with traditional simulation packages on forming processes, with special attention to the differences between the manufacture using magnetic pressure and the traditional mechanical methods; 2. A multiphysic simulation package, including the electromagnetic module and the thermal and structural coupling for the complete reproduction of the forming process; 3. A manual for the design of pieces by means of electromagnetic forming, listing the potential variables or parameters of interest, as well as the set of materials to be used and its structural, thermal and electromagnetic characterisation; 4. A collection of industrial representative cases of pieces to be manufactured using electromagnetic forming, including their specifications of design and manufacture; 5. A procedure with the rules of design and manufacture of pieces formed using electromagnetic fields, aided by computer simulation; 6. A test bench based on the set of cases indicated in point 4 and the comparative between experimental essays and computer simulations; The design aided by the simulation software developed in the project will allow estimating the energy of distortion and the necessary initial electrical energy, the ideal position and configuration of the electrical coils.