Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=190
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Project title Modelado multiescala del comportamiento mecánico y de fallo estructural en materiales, utilizando técnicas de reducción de modelos
Reference BIA2011-24258
Principal investigator Francisco Javier OLIVER OLIVELLA - oliver@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/01/2012 End date 31/12/2014
Coordinator CIMNE
Consortium members
Program LIA2. Proy.I+D: Investigación Fundamental Call Inv. Fund. No Orientada 2011
Subprogram Investigación Fundamental No Orientada Category Nacional
Funding body(ies) MICINN Grant $145,200.00
Abstract Numerical modeling of structural elements and engineering materials is mostly based on the so-called phenomenological approach, where the connection between stress and strain is established via empirical, constitutive laws that are believed to capture certain experimentally observed (at the macroscopic level) phenomena. The task of formulating appropriate constitutive equations and designing and conducting experiments to calibrate the corresponding constitutive parameters, while trivial for isotropic, linear materials, can become extremely complicated, if not outright impossible, for anisotropic, history-dependent materials well into their nonlinear regime. An alternative in such cases is to adopt the so-called multi-scale approach, whereby microscopic information can be incorporated into the constitutive description of the macroscopic behaviour by means of homogenization techniques, where the macroscopic strains and stresses at each point of the macroscopic continuum are volume averages of their counterparts over a certain “microscopic cell" whose structure and composition (heterogeneities, porosity, micro-agents …) is supposed to be statistically representative of the material microstructure. In most cases, the microscopic cell, termed also representative volume element (RVE), can be regarded as a continuum body itself. In practical terms, however, the homogenization technique as such possesses a serious inconvenient that detract from its applicability in daily engineering design: the enormous computational cost. Indeed, this theory tells us that, in a typical finite element analysis, one should solve, for each gauss or quadrature point a finite element problem for the RVE geometry (using as driving variable the macroscopic strain). To alleviate the computational burden associated with the solution of the finite element analysis at each gauss point, this project proposes to exploit the advantages offered by the so-called model reduction techniques, which, as its name indicates, permit to simplify models characterized by highdimensional state or input parameter spaces to their essential dimensions or fundamental modes, with a significantly reduced number of degrees of freedom and no substantial reduction of accuracy. Model reduction allows precomputing certain information in a preprocessing phase — off-line computations. In the case at hand, such precomputations will consist in, first, several finite element analysis of the microcell structure under varying macroscopic strains (the basic parameter of the problem); and, then, in the application of the corresponding model reduction algorithm to condense the information generated by the finite element simulations. Somehow, these off-line computations replace the experiments in the laboratory. The present project intends also to develop a new double-reduction (or hyperreduction) 2 technique that it is hoped to diminish the computational cost of a multiscale analysis to the same order to that of a phenomenological analysis. In order to check the performance of the method it will be applied to a number of mechanical, civil and construction engineering problems, i.e.: • Modelling of the structural and failure behavior of concrete reinforced with fibers. • Simulation of granular flows, like those occurring in silos or in soil instabilities involving soil slides and avalanches of granular or quasi-granular materials (snow or debris). • Simulation of the compaction of powder materials like in powder metallurgy and pharmaceutics fabrication.