Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=172
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Acronym DELCOM
Project title Comportamiento no-lineal de materiales compuestos multilaminados, considerando la delaminación. No-lineal behavior with delamination of multilaminar composites
Official Website https://seguweb.mec.es/proyectosid/
Reference MAT2008-02232
Principal investigator Sergio Horacio OLLER MARTINEZ - oller@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/01/2009 End date 31/12/2011
Coordinator CIMNE
Consortium members
Program LIA2. Proy.I+D: Investigación Fundamental Call Convocatoria 2008
Subprogram Investigación Fundamental No Orientada Category Nacional
Funding body(ies) MICINN Grant $64,130.00
Abstract The objective of this project is to carry out a research about the behavior and design of multilaminate composite materials, subjected to static and dynamic loads of low speed. This study is oriented to develop a code with a reliable and a low computational execution cost. This code should be an appropriate tool to treat the no-linear delamination phenomenon. In this project the created computational code will be used to solve some parts of automobiles structures, civil structures, aeronautical and aerospace structures, and will also be tested its reliability and its capability to solve these kinds of problems. Beside, the delamination phenomenon taken place in the multilaminates composites by effect of the shear stresses and for the axial compression should be investigated in depth. Additionally, the influ-ence of the loss stiffness in the global structural behavior due to the delamination of the composite material will be studied.