Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=141
LogoEntFinanc LogoSubPrograma
Acronym eSESH
Project title Saving Energy in Social Housing with ICT
Official Website http://www.esesh.eu/home/
Reference 250496
Principal investigator Jordi CIPRIANO LINDEZ - cipriano@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/03/2010 End date 28/02/2013
Coordinator EMPIRICA
Consortium members
  • Vizelia
  • USH
  • ENVI
  • VOWO
  • RPP
  • HTC
  • ISTA
  • DomData
  • SBV
  • GWG
  • SWK
  • NH
  • CIDE
  • ExtremMIEE
  • LTA
  • IWU
  • DMAH
Program CIP (2007-2013) Call CIP-ICT-PSP-2009-3
Subprogram ICT PSP-ICT Policy Support Programme Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) EC Grant $204,485.50
Abstract The proposed project addresses the ICT PSP objective "ICT for energy efficiency in social housing" by demonstrating how a range of advanced ICT based services can contribute directly to very significant, real and sustained reductions in energy use in housing. The services will markedly improve management (including self-management by tenants) of both demand for energy and its supply, utilising in particular ? smart metering of xxx primary energy and heat (demand / self-management) and ? efficient management of heating energy resources including locally generated and renewable resources (supply management). Demand management work will build on results now available from the SAVE@WORK4HOMES project currently funded under the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme (http://save.atwork4homes.eu). The project will demonstrate that advanced ICT components and systems can contribute directly to reducing both the peak-consumption and annual energy use The project integrates use of embedded power production based on clean locally distributed and renewable energy resources xxx photovoltaic. The ICT systems deployed here will demonstrate that they can be operated without causing local instabilities in the electricity distribution infrastructure. The realisable target is to reduce ? peak consumption by more than 15% ? annual energy use by more than 15% with an additional cut of overall annual CO2 emissions by more than 20% through extended use of renewable xxx. under real conditions in European social housing. The proposed service is a set of ICT-based solutions addressing the above goals, each capable of very wide uptake and replication across European social housing and beyond. Support to EU policies is not only in respect of achieving energy saving e.g. Kyoto targets but also in xxxx The social housing organisations taking part have a strong track-record in innovation in the field and wish to develop and pilot demand management (tenant support) services, supply management with renovated or new heating systems and/or are planning the introduction of renewables and local generation to be operational in 2010/2011. The full value chain is involved from energy measurement specialists and ICT service providers to social housing providers and xxx representation of their tenants. Direct involvement of social housing providers and their tenants is essential to ensure the services really meet the needs of this segment of the population and that demand management services in particular really feed through into sustainable behaviour change.