Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=1010
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Acronym CELINE
Project title Cross-sectorial integrated digital services Enabling energy Localized InnovatioN and community Empowerment
Reference 101160667
Principal investigator Jordi CIPRIANO LINDEZ - cipriano@cimne.upc.edu
Josep MAYOS CANTOS - jmayos@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/11/2024 End date 31/10/2027
Consortium members
  • Ecoserveis Associacio
  • FBK
  • EPQ S.r.l.
  • LUT University
  • FH OOS
  • Green Land società cooperativa di comunità
  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
  • Beedata Analytics, SL
  • FH OO
Program HE (2021-2027) Call HORIZON-CL5-2023-D3-03-04
Subprogram 5.Climate,Energy&Mobility Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) EC Grant $0.00
Abstract The digital transformation of the energy system brings numerous benefits, such as improved connectivity of the energy components, direct market access for end-users, and seamless integration of renewable energy sources. However, realizing these benefits requires addressing challenges such as ensuring end-users' adoption of digital technologies, addressing societal acceptance issues, engaging communities effectively, and ensuring decentralization and data sovereignty . Additionally, an integrated framework allowing effective data integration across the energy value chain also including data from other sectors is required. To address these challenges, CELINE introduces an innovative framework aimed at promoting the widespread adoption of digital technologies within the energy sector, fostering seamless interaction and collaboration among energy stakeholders. It focuses on facilitating the adoption of localized community-based and digital-driven energy innovations, which are user-centric, community-based, and tailored to address the needs of specific geographical areas or communities. CELINE will conceptualize, co-design, develop, and demonstrate an open-source cross-sector data-driven Digital Ecosystem and Toolbox, comprising a Digital Twin of community energy systems and AI Assistant Tools, enabling the creation of tailored cross-sector data-driven services aimed to: 1) Support community-led selfconsumption and production schemes; 2) Enhance end-users' capabilities in managing energy resources, optimizing energy usage, and making well-informed energy-related decisions; 3) Empower end-users by improving their digital and energy literacy, enhancing user experience, and overcoming potential resistance and barriers. CELINE tools and services will be tested in three real-world Demonstrators (Ds) across different European regions, offering diverse climate, geographical, and socio-economic conditions (Valencia/ES, Lappeenranta/FI, and Alpe Cimbra/IT).
This Project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement Nº101160667