Personal Data


+34 93 401 64 73  /  +34 93 413 41 23




Facultat de Nàutica de Barcelona, Edifici NT3. Edifici Consorci del Far

C / Escar 6-8. 08039 Barcelona. Despatx E007


C/Gran Capità, s/n Campus Nord UPC, Edificio C1

08034, Barcelona, Barcelona, España

Professional Profile

RTD Group

Composites and Advanced Materials for Multifunctional Structures

Position in CIMNE

Associate Research Professor

Scopus ID




Researcher ID



Alex Ferrer is an assistant professor at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC BarcelonaTech) spending one year on leave as sponsored researcher at the University of Oxford, Mathematical Institute.

He is currently also a research associate at CIMNE. He has been publishing ~15 top peer-review Q1 journal. He was awarded as a Marie Curie Fellowship at Ecole Polytechnique where he spend three years as a postdoc. He has received some national and international distinctions as Serra Hunter fellow, Hadamard fellow and Marie Curie Co-Fund fellowship.

He has been Principal Investigator of three research projects and he has participate in a total of 8 ones, including an ERC Advanced grant and H2020 projects. He has already supervised a PhD and he is currently supervising two more. He has also supervised more than 15 master/graduate thesis. He has also received distinctions for teaching and mentoring. He is currently an European Comission expert reviewing Marie Curie fellowships.

Recently, he has been promoted as an associate professor at UPC (expected starting day: September 2023). Although his main research topic is Topology optimization, he has been publishing in different topics in the computational mechanics field like: multi-scale analysis, domain decomposition, reduced order models, inverse problems, fluid mechanics, dehomogenization, level-set methods, damage models, uncertainty quantification and composite materials. Some of his publications have been awarded as top-10 most downloaded publications of the Journal.

Further information: Personal website