Personal Data


+34 40 118 05





Building C2, ground floor, Room 211B


C/Gran Capità, s/n Campus Nord UPC, Edificio C1

08034, Barcelona, Barcelona, España

Professional Profile

RTD Group

Soft and Living Material Interfaces

Position in CIMNE

Full Research Professor

Scopus ID




Researcher ID


Google Scholar



He obtained a PhD in Mechanical Engng at Northwestern Univ. (2003) and was a postdoc at Caltech. He is full professor at UPC since 2017. He has been PI of a Starting ERC grant (2009-14) and is currently PI of a Consolidator ERC grant. Amongst other awards, he received the Icrea Academia Award for excellence in research twice (2009 and 2016) and the O.C. Zienkiewicz Award for Young Scientists in Computational Engineering Sciences by ECCOMAS (2010). In addition to the ERC grants, he leads a WP in a FET-Proactive project, advises a Marie Curie fellow, and has been PI of 4 Spanish National research projects.

His research focus on the development of mathematical and computational models for living materials and interfaces. As for January 15th 2019, he has published 64 papers in major interdisciplinary (Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Comm., PNAS) and topical journals in fields such computational mechanics (8×IJNME, 5×CMAME, 2×J Comp Phys), solid mechanics (7×JMPS), soft matter/biophysics (2xSoft Matter, 2xBiophys J, PRE), physics (5×PRL, 4xPRB), or molecular simulation (JCTC, 3×J Chem Phys), exemplifying the interdisciplinary nature of his research, at the intersection of computational mechanics, mechanics of materials & biophysics. He has an h_index = 29 and 2820 citations (Scopus).

He has supervised 9 completed PhD theses and 9 postdocs who hold faculty positions in US and Argentina or are postdocs in institutions such as MIT, Princeton, Minnesota or Cornell.

He has been a reviewer for various funding agencies (ERC, ANR-France, Royal Society and EPSRC-UK, FOM-Netherlands, US Dept. of Energy) and international journals (Nature Physics, Nature Comm, PNAS, JMPS, CMAME, IJNME, PRL, Biophys J, ACS Nano).

He has delivered plenary lectures in various forums such as “Jülich Soft Matter Days 2018”, “Saarbrücken Cell Physics 2017”, 14th US National Congress on Comp. Mechanics, Biomembrane days 2016, or 11th World Congress on Comp. Mechanics. He has delivered invited seminars in Durhan, ESPCI-Paris, U Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris, la Sapienza, Roma, Politecnico di Milano, Max Planck Inst. for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Caltech, U of Pennsylvania, Princeton, Oxford, or Cambridge.