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Campus Nord B0-107

Campus UPC Terrassa - Edifici Gaia, Sant Nebridi, 22 - Planta 1 Despatx 181


C/Gran Capità, s/n Campus Nord UPC, Edificio C1

08034, Barcelona, Barcelona, España

Professional Profile

RTD Group

Composites and Advanced Materials for Multifunctional Structures

Position in CIMNE

Assistant Research Professor

Scopus ID




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CV Ester Comellas is Serra Húnter lecturer at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and an assistant research professor at the International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE). She is an Aeronautical Engineer (UPC, 2009), holds an M.Sc. in Advanced Lightweight Structures and Impact (Cranfield University, 2011) and a Ph.D. in Structural Analysis (2016, UPC). Her doctoral research focused on developing constitutive models for growth and remodelling in biological tissues, and was awarded the “Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat” by the UPC. After defending her thesis, she stayed for a short postdoc in CIMNE where she applied the models developed during her Ph.D. research to a clinically-relevant project. She then did a 2-year postdoc in Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU, in Erlangen, Germany), where she studied brain mechanics. Her last postdoc was funded by a Marie Curie Global Fellowship, and took her to Northeastern University (Boston, US) to study the mechanobiology of vertebrate limb formation. Her main research interest is computational solid mechanics, specifically, in modelling the behaviour of advanced materials. Dr. Comellas seeks to integrate theoretical modelling, computational simulations, and experiments to understand complex responses of active materials to external loads. She continues collaborating with the research groups from her postdocs while starting a new line of research within the CAMMS group focused on modelling biocomposites and thermally-activated self-healing composites for aerospace applications.