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+34 93 401 18 20




Edifici D2

Despatx 203A


C/Gran Capità, s/n Campus Nord UPC, Edificio C1

08034, Barcelona, Barcelona, España

Professional Profile

RTD Group


Position in CIMNE

Associate Research Professor

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CV Núria Pinyol is Lecturer in the Department of Geotechnical Engineering and a postdoc researcher in the International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE). She obtained her PhD at UPC in 2010. Her thesis describes the thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of rapid landslides. It was awarded by UPC as the best thesis in the field of Civil Engineering presented in the period 2009-2010. One of her research interests still focused in the field of landslides. She is currently working modelling landslides using a coupled MPM (Material Point Method) code under development.
Other research topics, in collaboration with colleagues in her Department, include: (a) modelling of the geotechnical behaviour of earth and rockfill dams; (b) advanced constitutive modelling of unsaturated soils including microstructure; (c) constitutive modelling of soft rocks and hard soils including expansive behaviour and degradation.
She is a co-author of two original books published in Springer (“Geomechanics of Failures” and “Geomechanics of Failures. Advanced Topics”) in which some real cases (Vaiont landslide, the sinking of Barcelona Harbour caissons and two tunnel instabilities, among other failures) are described and analyzed in detail. She teaches a course in the UPC Master in Civil Engineering based on these books. She is the author of 12 journal publications and 30 papers in international conferences and workshops. A paper published in Géotechnique (“A review of Beliche dam”) was awarded the Crampton Prize (granted by ICE, UK) in 2006. In 2012 the International Consortium on Landslides selected a paper published in Landslides (“Canelles Landslide: modelling rapid drawdown and fast potential sliding”) as the best paper of 2012. Recently, the Géotechnique paper on “Compacted soil behaviour: initial state, structure and constitutive modelling” received the Geotechnical Research Medal in 2013.
Núria Pinyol also acts as a consultant for private geotechnical companies in projects of underground excavations, earth dams and reinforced walls.