Pedro DÍEZ MEJÍA +34 93 401 72 40 / 44241 (movil) |
Branch Barcelona Office Edifici C2 Despatx 209D Address C/Gran Capità, s/n Campus Nord UPC, Edificio C1 08034, Barcelona, Barcelona, España |
RTD Group |
Scientific Director |
Position in CIMNE |
Full Research Professor |
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Google Scholar | |
CV | Pedro Díez is full professor at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech). He is the director of the Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Computational Mechanics, vice-president of ECCOMAS (European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, formerly secretary since 2004) and coordinator the SEAT industrial chair in UPC. His main research achievements pertain to the field of Computational Mechanics and, in particular, error estimation and adaptivity for finite elements and alternative discretization methods (Reduced Order Models, meshfree methods, XFEM…). He was visiting professor at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Ecole Centrale de Paris and Politecnico di Milano and visiting researcher at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia) and the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (Ispra, Italy). He has authored more than 50 papers in indexed journals and he has co-chaired the six editions of ADMOS, International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation, at Goteborg (twice), Barcelona, Brussels, Paris and Lisbon. He served as Vice-Rector for International Policy, coordinating also the participation of UPC in the KIC Innoenergy (2010-2013). He got the IACM Fellow Award, at the 2010 edition. |