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C1, PLANTA 1, DESP 107

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CV Dr. Mario Salgado is a Civil Engineer and is currently a postdoc researcher at CIMNE. He earned a PhD in earthquake engineering and structural dynamics at UPC and holds a Master’s and Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from the Universidad de Los Andes in Colombia. He was awarded with the Civil Engineering Special Doctoral Award in 2018 at UPC. He has worked over the past 10 years in the development and use of probabilistic catastrophe risk models, mostly focusing on earthquakes, tsunamis and tropical cyclones and has been the lead modeler in different international projects in Latin America, the Caribbean, South East Asia, West Africa and the Indian Ocean Region. He has been an expert consultant of different multi-lateral organizations and agencies of the United Nations and has published more than 20 papers in peer-reviewed journals, besides book chapters and contributions to technical documents and working papers of the World Bank and the United Nations. His research interests are the integration of the outcomes of probabilistic risk models in the design of innovative and efficient financial protection strategies, the development of almost real-time applications for the impact assessment of events with different origin, the development of multi-hazard risk assessment frameworks and the design and implementation of capacity building strategies around disaster risk management and reduction focused in developing countries to achieve more resilient societies.