CIMNE Christmas toast

2020 has been a difficult year for everyone. The health crisis that broke out in our country in March put us in a tight corner. Social distancing has been the mantra of this year we bid farewell to. We have lost the closeness of hugs, and coffee breaks with colleagues have been via telecom. We have also faced the challenge of turning our home into our office, with the advantages but also the difficulties that telecommuting implies.

This year the official CIMNE toast has to take place virtually, but we do not want to miss the opportunity to wish you Happy Holidays and get together, even if it's via telecom. We will celebrate it on December 21st at 1 p.m. We want this event to be participatory, so we would like you to send us an informal video or a picture with a wish for 2021. We will also open a thread on Twitter called #longwaited2021 on which we will post your photos and videos with wishes for the long-awaited 2021.

How can I participate?

  • Think about your wish
  • Look your best
  • Prepare a drink
  • Place your phone horizontally 
  • Make a toast with your best wishes for the new year
  • Send us your videos and photos (accompanied by the text of the toast... we will take care of editing the picture) to before December 17th at 3 p.m.
  • Please note: Extras are allowed
  • CIMNE Toast: 21/12, 13h. 
  • Session link: