
Successful Final GRAIN2 Workshop

Open Greener Horizon Forum 18 & 19 April, 2016 Detailed Information: Access to the VKI website  This workshop is part of the final event organized in the Support Action GRAIN (Greener Aeronautics International Networking) of the 7th Research Framework Programme. It is co-organized by: ...


Successful Workshop in Xi'an

Last week, from 5th to 8th May, the GRAIN2 consortium has organized the 2nd Open Workshop on "Greening Aviation -a global Challenge". Topics as flow control and drag and noise reduction technologies, green materials and recyclability, alternative fuels and more electrical aircraft, and also ATM...


2nd Open Workshop in Xi'an China

The 2nd Open Workshop "Greening Aviation -  A global challenge" is going to take place in Xi'an, China.Sponsored by MIIT and EC, the event is the third one in a row dealing with green technologies in Aviation.


Short Course about Green Technologies for reducing environmental impact in Aeronautics

A first announcement for the Short Course about Green Technologies for Environmental Impact reduction is released.The short course will take place in CIRA, Capua, Italy, during the first week of July 2014. Program and details are under discussion and definition, further details will be provided as s...


Kick-off Meeting and Workshop in Hangzhou, China

The GRAIN2 project will be launched in October 1st.The first event is already in preparation: it is the Kick-off meeting and Workshop in Hangzhou, China. Please check the "Events" section for further information.